ICSCA2021 Talk
Functional Reactive Programming for Embedded Systems with GPGPUs
Yoshitaka Sakurai, Sosuke Moriguchi, Takuo Watanabe
10th International Conference on Software and Computer Applications (ICSCA 2021), Online, Feb. 23-26, 2021.
We propose new functionality for FRP language to support computations on GPUs. Some embedded systems equip GPUs, which enable us to process large amounts of data such as camera images. We have developed an FRP language for embedded systems, named Emfrp. However, Emfrp lacks two kinds of concepts for computations on GPUs; one is the representation for large amounts of data, and the other is the declaration of the calculational resources of computations. In this paper, we introduce node arrays and GPU nodes, which are time-varying values computed on GPUs. We also show a prototype language of these features and evaluation through some examples on it.
Yoshitaka Sakurai, Sosuke Moriguchi, Takuo Watanabe,
Functional Reactive Programming for Embedded Systems with GPGPUs,
10th InternationalConference on Software and Computer Application (ICSCA 2021), pp. 75-80, ACM, Feb., 2021.
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