ARM2015 Talk
A Reflective Implementation of an Actor-based Concurrent Context-Oriented System
Souhei Takeno & Takuo Watanabe
14th Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware (ARM 2015), Vancouver, Dec. 9, 2015.
In this paper, we introduce the notion of concurrent context-oriented programming and its experimental implementation. To realize context-oriented programming in concurrent systems based on asynchronous communication such as the Actor model, we must take special care to control synchronizations among context changes and other computations. We adopt an instance of group-wide reflection to solve the synchronization problem regarding messages that cross two contexts. In this paper, we give some preliminary evaluation results using our implementation in Erlang.
Souhei Takeno & Takuo Watanabe, A Reflective Implementation of an Actor-based Concurrent Context-Oriented System, Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective Middleware (ARM 2015), ACM, Article 7, Dec., 2015. DOI:10.1145/2834965.2834972,
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